How to Write a Great CV with No Work Experience

by Demi

Looking for a guide on How to Write a Great CV with No Work Experience for that new job you want so badly? Read and download a template at the bottom.


After graduation, starting a new job should be thrilling. However, many grads face the same painful dilemma: you need the experience to get a job.


Fortunately, the abilities that companies appreciate the most may be acquired outside of the workplace. The key to drafting a CV with no experience is to come up with inventive methods to demonstrate that you have the transferrable talents that will make you a great hire.


Have you ever wondered how to write a CV when you don’t have any work experience to include? Continue reading on how you can write a CV with No Work Experience:

  1. Make a list of your most outstanding characteristics.

Putting together a personal sales presentation is precise what writing a CV entails. As a result, the first step is to find out what you’re selling! Make a list of everything you’re excellent at, whether or not those attributes are “professional” in nature. Then, link each item on your list to one (or more!) of the most sought-after abilities by employers.


Do you have a starring role on the ice hockey rink? That’s what collaboration and determination are all about. Do you have a blog that keeps your readers at the edge of their seats? You’re a terrific writer and a creative thinker.


  1. Begin with a statement about yourself.

Because this is the first thing a potential employer would see, it’s critical to get it correctly. What is your best piece of advice? Keep it as brief and straightforward as possible. 150 words is a good length.

Begin by stating your educational degree and one or two top skills (“I am a dedicated and self-motivated recent graduate”). Only include your degree subject or university if you believe it is exceptionally outstanding or relevant to the position you’re going for.

Make a list of what you’re looking for as well. If you’re exclusively searching for jobs in one industry, be specific – “I’m seeking for PR jobs” – but if you want to keep your choices open, be broad: “I’m looking for a career that will challenge me.”

  1. Instead of listing positions, list talents.

Most CVs start with the candidate’s most recent job(s), but if you’ve never worked before or have only worked in unrelated fields, it’s much better to start with a list of skills you’ve acquired. Employers will find them far more interesting and relevant than your stint stocking shelves in a supermarket!


This is where that prewritten list of skills and examples come in useful. You can quickly cross-reference different experiences so you have multiple examples under each heading, with the evidence to back up your claims. Using examples makes a skill-based CV much more powerful – and believable!

  1. Don’t forget “obvious” skills

Have you got a valid driver’s license? Are you able to work with a variety of software packages? Do you know how to use social media? Graduates frequently overlook talents that companies need because they believe they are self-evident or irrelevant.


Put anything in if you can accomplish something that will be valuable in the job. Computer programs and languages you can speak (you don’t have to be proficient to be useful, but don’t mislead about your skill) are very beneficial.

  1. Treat extracurricular activities as though they were jobs.

Just because you weren’t compensated for something doesn’t imply you didn’t learn something useful about business. List your volunteer positions in the same way you would a job, including the amount of time you donated, the duties you performed, and the skills you gained.


Extracurricular activities are often more similar to the graduate positions you’re looking for than any casual work you’ve done. Make them a top priority. Employers will be more impressed if you write for your student newspaper than if you work for a nearby fast-food restaurant if you’re applying for copywriting jobs.

  1. Make the most of your degree

Degrees are a fantastic way to gain transferrable skills. You can discuss your research talents if you prepared a dissertation. You can claim pitching experience if you presented presentations as part of your degree. You might also highlight any special information relevant to the function, such as abilities developed via group project work, autonomous organization and planning, and any unique knowledge gained through group project work.


If you don’t have any job experience, don’t make the mistake of leaving blank space on your CV. Any CV’s experience section is merely a technique to show how previous experiences might be beneficial to a potential employer. Your degree will provide you with a wealth of resources, so take advantage of it!

  1. Put some personality into it

Do you want to run a marathon? Have you won an award? Skydived? Make a note of it on your resume.

For each graduate position, employers receive a large number of applications. Being unique and standing out from the crowd might help you be called in for an interview. Don’t try to cram professional abilities into an achievement or activity if there aren’t any evident ones. Don’t go into depth about the pastime; simply include it under a “other hobbies” section. The goal here is to be remembered rather than to persuade employers that jumping out of a plane has prepared you for their job!





Now that you know How to Write a Great CV with No Work Experience. Do you need some help to get started?


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